Fashion Shades
Yes, fashion shades are fun but are these girls your main target market?
I remember when I moved to New York many years back. I was fascinated by the punk rock culture. They wore the brightest hair colors. Yellow with black, pink or even green. By the way, I always thought green looked like someone’s hair was moldy. Yes, it is fun to stray away from the norm and create a visual masterpiece. That being said, yes, I do enjoy these girls and I do mean girls.
You need to be young and the service must look as professional as possible to pull off these fashion shades. The main reason I stopped trying to get into salons in East Village was that I realized the girls who wore these shades didn’t have any money. You can not make a career out of penniless women who get their hair done once a year. Yeah, that’s great they spent their income tax refund on a brand new party hair session or that new tattoo.
I’ve learned that to become that go-to hairstylist, you need to create high fashion looks on all ages. You need skills way beyond bleaching stripes in a head of hair and putting in pre-oxidized pigments. These pigments only last a few weeks and then you are back to having to deal with heavily bleached hair.
The photo I’ve included in this post is a perfect example of what my young counter parts strive for. Let’s face it, you always see these photos from behind, curled, or braided so you can’t see any lines of demarcation or missed spots in the hair. If this type of work is what you aspire to, good luck and God bless. It’s a fad. Here today, gone tomorrow.
#fashion shades, # Destin Colorist, # Destin hairstylist
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