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All About Hair by Bill Trotter

Hair Salon Websites

Hair salon websites

by Bill Trotter  ·  July 14th, 2017

Everyday I peruse other hair salon websites and I ask myself, why are you showing me your waiting room? This is a huge mistake and a missed opportunity for perspective clients. Personally I hate waiting rooms, because I hate to wait, i’m from New York. After all you are not show casing your decorating skills.…

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Best Balayage in Destin Florida

by Bill Trotter  ·  July 12th, 2017

The two are very similar, but there are very obvious distinctions between the two! The word “Balayage” comes from another French word meaning “to sweep”. Now, if you have ever seen someone get a balayage in the salon, this probably makes sense to you. When applying the color for a balayage, you sweep the color…

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Ombres in Destin

What is an Ombre’ ?

by Bill Trotter  ·  July 12th, 2017

Ombre’s in Destin The word ombré comes from the French word “shadow”. Ombré is the progression of going from a darker root to very blonde ends. It is the transition of a lighter shade from a darker shade. Generally, ombrés work best on brunettes because it is the least subtle of all the techniques. This…

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All Natural Hair Color

All natural hair color ?

by Bill Trotter  ·  July 8th, 2017

The myth of all natural hair color As a colorist I started this blog for generic consumer education. I said that I would never trash a specific brand or companies. I live in Florida where there is an inordinate amount of Aveda beauty schools. Now I am all for getting your cosmetology degree. What I…

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Hairstylists are people too

by Bill Trotter  ·  June 13th, 2017

Like any profession, there are good hairstylists and bad hairstylists. Even at the best rated salons you can get a haircut you don’t like. Not every client will connect with you on a professional basis. Half the reason a client returns is because they liked their hair. The second half of why a client returns…

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Why have salon coloring services escalated in price?

by Bill Trotter  ·  April 25th, 2017

I hear this everyday. I am not in a high end snooty salon. There are definitely Salon tourist traps here in Florida that bank on high prices and the fact that they won’t ever see you again. You’re a tourist, right?. I work in a top shelf salon that prides itself on the quality of…

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Battling Florida’s humidity

by Bill Trotter  ·  April 24th, 2017

Keratin smoothing treatments in Destin Florida Yes, it may seem like a losing battle but, there is hope. Women have been asking me for years what to do with their hair when it’s so humid. My answer used to be, not much. Now I have been using the chemical free Keratin smoothing complex on clients.…

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by Bill Trotter  ·  April 21st, 2017
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The truth about skin care potions and lotions

The truth about skin care potions and lotions

by Bill Trotter  ·  February 4th, 2017

I have been writing my blogs for some time now and I’d like to share my inspirations and insights for doing this. I have been in the salon industry for 34 years. Thus, I know stuff. Yes, I have the dirt on what works and what doesn’t. I am not beholden to any color line…

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Pet Peeve #16

by Bill Trotter  ·  February 4th, 2017

There has been a rash of young women showing me Pinterest photos of a very horrible hair cut for long hair. The V cut. I understand that having long hair limits what you can do with it to show something trendy and fun. You see the longer your hair, the thinner the ends look. It…

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